Town of Smithtown Comprehensive / Master Plan Community meeting
Thursday, March 21 6:00pm Smithtown Senior Center
420 Middle Country Rd. Smithtown (next to Smithtown Ford)
SmithtownTown Meetings
Access live streaming and view agenda, minutes and videos ...
Please note: Watching the video through Internet Explorer will provide the best video quality. Google Chrome browser is no longer compatible as it has dropped support for the Silverlight plugin.
Board Meetings
NOTE: please be sure to check the calendar ( smithtownny.gov )on the Town of Smithtown home page for changes to dates, times and locations of meetings throughout the year.
Town Board/Board of Water/Site Plan Review
Scheduled one Tuesday and one Thursday of each month as per the 2022 Meeting Calendar(PDF) at Patrick R. Vecchio Building - Town Hall, 99 West Main St., Smithtown New York
Draft copy of the Board Meeting Agenda will be available after 5 p.m. on the day prior to meeting.
Town Board Work Session
Scheduled as needed
Planning Board
As per the 2022 Meeting Calendar(PDF), all meetings start at 7 p.m. at: Senior Center , 420 Middle Country Road Smithtown New York
Board of Zoning Appeals
As per the 2022 Meeting Calendar(PDF), all meetings start at 7 p.m. at Senior Center , 420 Middle Country Road Smithtown New York
Members of the public are invited to attend all meetings.
HuntingtonTown Meetings
Unfortunately the Town of Huntington currently does not have a standardized calendar, but you can click the link below in order to gain access to their meeting schedule. We will continue to try and rectify
Town Board meetings and public hearings will continue to be held remotely until we can safely and legally gather in person; members of the public will be able to watch meetings live on government access TV channels Optimum 18, FIOS 38 and at huntingtonny.gov/meetings where a link to view the meeting agenda and instructions on participating in public hearings can be found 6 days prior to the meeting date.
Several years ago the Town of Smithtown rolled out their preliminary Master Plan, the blueprint for the entire town for the next 10-20 years. Included in the Master Plan is the Carlson property - aka: Townline Rail Yard. We need EVERY resident of Fort Salonga to attend and show the Town Board that we will not be trampled on. If we do not, the Town potentially could rezone the balance of this property 6 months from now, and we will be the losers.
Our voices need to be heard, en masse. Please continue to check the Fort Salonga website for updated details (the HOME page will notify if there are any to report).