Veterans Hospital Community Service Opportunity for Students
The Fort Salonga Association has been collecting reading materials for the veteran residents at the VA Hospital. To continue this noteworthy endeavor the FSA would like to find two high school or college students to take over this meaningful community service project. The work entails collecting general interest magazines and soft cover books via drop off collection, and delivering them once a month to the recreation department at the hospital. A one year commitment is expected. If interested please contact us at info@fortsalonga.org.
Environmental Shore Clean Up
The FSA co -sponsored a community environmental shore clean up at Crab Meadow Beach on August 21st. For all information go the FSA Facebook page. More information and pictures to follow.
Scholarship Awards
Every year the Fort Salonga Association provides two worthy students from Northport High School, Kings Park High School or St. Anthony's High School, each with a $1000 Dollar Scholarship Award. In order to be considered, students must attend any of the three schools, who along with their parents are residents of Fort Salonga and whose parents are current dues paying members of the Fort Salonga Association. Candidates for the awards are selected for their demonstrated community service, and school accomplishments. Prospective applicants can obtain an application at Northport High School by contacting Ms. Joann Raguzin, where the deadline to apply for 2023 is March 1, 2023. Applicants from Kings Park High School should contact Ms. Michelle Guarnieri, where the deadline to apply for 2023 is March 7, 2023. St. Anthony's contact information TBD.
On June 2nd Meghan Bossert received the FSA Scholarship Award at the Kings Park High School Senior Awards and Scholarship Ceremony. Presenting the award was Fort Salonga resident and FSA Director Peter Ferolito.
The FSA is in the process of establishing a Community Service Project Program for high school or college students. Teams of young people, individuals, groups such as Scouts or youth clubs would be able to propose a community service project to benefit Fort Salonga. The project should have set measurable goals and be no longer one year in duration. The FSA will provide funding along with mentorship. Details will be forthcoming.
The FSA is planning A Halloween Pumpkin Carving - Decorating Contest for Children on October 30th and bringing back the traditional New Residents Reception October 16th. In the Spring of 2023 a Tour of Historic Middleville Cemetery will be on our calendar. Event Details will be forthcoming.

A little about Meghan and how the Scholarship will contribute towards her college goals: Meghan Bossert will be attending Ringling College of Art and Design (the top animation school in North America) and major in Computer Animation.Meghan fondly remembers attending FSA events every year such as the Annual Easter Egg Hunt and Christmas and Santa at the IGA. Maybe in a small way the FSA helped her develop a wonderful passion for art. Her favorite movie is Spiderman into the Spiderverse. "It has a unique and groundbreaking animation style." Meghan hopes to one day create an original character that will come to life on the big screen. We hope so too Meghan! CONGRATULATIONS again and good luck in college!