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Important phone numbers (other than towns or county)
EMERGENCY (fire, police, medical): 911
East Northport Fire Dept. (non-emergency): 631-261-0360
Kings Park Fire Dept. (non-emergency): 631-269-2994
Northport Fire Dept. (non-emergency): 631-261-7504
PSEG (cust. service): 800-490-0025
PSEG (emergency): 800-490-0075
National Grid (natural gas - emergency): 800-490-0045
National Grid (natural gas - non-emergency): 800-930-5003 Mon. - Fri. 8am - 8pm
SCPD 2nd Pct: 631-854-8200
SCPD 4th Pct: 631-854-8400
SCPD Non-emergency: 631-852-2677 (COPS)
Suffolk County Water Authority: 631-698-9500
Huntington Hospital (non-emergency): 631-351-2000
Huntington Hospital (emergency): 911
Northport VA Hospital: 631-261-4400
East Northport Library: 631-261-2313
Northport Library: 631-261-6930
Kings Park Library: 631-360-2480
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