Letter Writing Campaign:
(The below was written by the Townline Association (TLA), our sister organization, with residents residing to our south. As we have done in the past, the Fort Salonga Association (FSA) is working hand-in-hand with the TLA towards a common goal - to protect the communities we live in. Below the letter from the TLA ( a must read ) is the letter from the president of the FSA to the Surface Transportation Board (STB) outlining our stance against the proposed rail yard. We encourage all (every member in your household as well as family members and friends who do not live in Fort Salonga) to write letters to not only the STB but our elected officials as well. Spread the word to everyone you know asking them to write letters as well. !!! Numbers matter, we matter, our children matter !!! If you belong to a club, group, fire department, bowling or golf league or any other organization - please encourage the members to write as well.
Dear Neighbors,
The Surface Transportation Board (STB) will soon be reviewing the Carlsoncorp’s request to build a railroad spur and a regional freight rail terminal on their property at 140 Old Northport Rd in Kings Park. Until now the community has had no opportunity to weigh in on this plan because it was kept hidden from everyone. Now is the time to let your voice be heard. We have included a talking points information sheet to help you write a letter to the STB. We encourage you to personalize your letter. Personalized letters have the greatest impact. The more input the STB receives from the residents the better. THIS IS TIME SENSITIVE MATTER! Please follow the directions below:
Please address your letter to: The Honorable Martin J. Oberman
Surface Transportation Board
395 E Street, S.W.
Washington, D.C. 20423
RE: Surface Transportation Board Decision, Docket No. FD_36575
Email completed letters (preferably in PDF format) to: townlinecivicassociation@gmail.com – PLEASE INCLUDE THE DOCKET NUMBER FD_36575 (include the underscore - NO SPACES), your home and email address on your letter.
We will upload your letters to the Surface Transportation Board’s website – it is a complicated procedure and we want to make sure that your letters make it into the docket so that the STB will be required to review them.
We need your letters as soon as possible.
Please share this with your friends, neighbors and family so they can write letters too. Everyone 18 or over in a household should write a separate letter.
P.O. Box 119, Commack, New York 11725
Talking Points for Letters to the Surface Transportation Board (STB) - you may have your own reasons, use them as well.
The area is already overburdened by many sources of pollution. Within a five mile radius we are exposed to toxic pollution from the Northport Power Plant, the Huntington (Covanta) Incinerator, the medical waste incinerators at the Northport VA and St. Catherine’s Hospitals, several capped landfills and their methane venting systems, and a cornucopia of businesses that add more pollutants from sand mining, concrete crushing and asphalt production. There are the emissions from the numerous trucks that serve the businesses in the area and the emissions from the LIRR diesel trains.
The property is located within feet of residential homes on Meadow Glen Road, Glen Road and Glen Lane in Kings Park. Additionally, it is located in close proximity to several densely populated residential neighborhoods in Ft. Salonga, Northport, East Northport, Commack, Smithtown, Greenlawn and Elwood.
The property is located in a federally designated deep recharge area of a sole source aquifer. If this highly sensitive area of the aquifer is compromised by the leakage of hazardous materials it would affect the drinking water for all of Long Island.
The property is located near many schools, playgrounds, ball fields and nursing homes. Children, the elderly and people with lung conditions and allergies are particularly sensitive to these pollutants.
According to Carlsoncorp’s plans, the proposed freight train rail terminal would have freight trains coming and going between 10 pm and 5 am, while other operations related to loading toxic incinerator ash, aggregates (concrete, building materials, asphalt, etc) and unloading commodities (new cars, lumber, etc.) will take place anytime throughout the day and night.
This freight yard will create several types of pollution: sound (horns, screeching from trains, trucks, forklifts, machinery sounds), light (site must be illuminated at night), air (diesel fumes, dust, particulate matter, etc.), water (potential infiltration of the sole source aquifer) and vibrations from the freight trains moving on the tracks.
Carlsoncorp’s failure to involve the community in its plans. Despite the fact that this plan has been in works for almost two years, Toby Carlson owner of Carlsoncorp, Smithtown Supervisor Edward Wehrheim and Suffolk County Legislator Robert Trotta have kept this a secret. The community only found out about this project when a story about it by David Ambro appeared in the Smithtown News.
Potential depreciation of residential property values in the surrounding communities.
Increased truck traffic on local streets. Carlsoncorp claims that it will decrease truck traffic on our roads by shipping the incinerator ash and aggregates off Long Island via freight train instead of trucks. However, they fail to mention that they have included space for 50 tractor trailers on their site plan and that commodities will be shipped to their site via incoming freight trains for distribution via trucks all over Long Island.
In order for this freight rail terminal to be built, the Town of Smithtown would need to change the existing zoning on the site. A change to Heavy Industry Zoning would set a precedent in the Old Northport Light Industrial area. Once Carlsoncorp receives the zoning change from Light Industry/Residential to Heavy Industry to accommodate this regional freight rail terminal it is likely that other businesses in the area will also make similar zoning change requests.
Make sure to personalize your letter! Mention if someone in your family has health concerns, or is in a vulnerable age category and mention the distance of the Carlsoncorp property to your home, etc.
Ft. Salonga Association
1019 Ft. Salonga Rd.
Ste. 10-170
Northport NY 11768
February 13, 2023
The Honorable Martin J. Oberman - Chairman
Surface Transportation Board
395 E Street, S.W.
Washington, D.C. 20423
RE: Surface Transportation Board Decision, Docket No. FD_36575
Dear Chairman Oberman,
Local communities recently learned that Townline Rail Terminal, LLC, an affiliate of CarlsonCorp, Inc., plans to construct and operate a new rail line in the hamlet of Kings Park, New York. According to the newly discovered plans, the line would extend approximately 5,000 feet on a portion of CarlsonCorp’s industrial property running parallel to a residential neighborhood, a spur trailing off the Long Island Railroad (LIRR) Port Jefferson Line.
What is troubling to us is that the plans fail to show that the train yard will be only 500 feet from residential neighborhoods in Kings Park, with Fort Salonga being almost as close. Additionally, this site is within close proximity to thousands of homes in the communities of East Northport, Commack and Northport. What the plans fail to show is that there are a minimum of eight schools within a two-and-a-half-mile radius to the proposed rail yard. What is not included is that the area includes a federal government classified deep recharge area for a sole source aquifer.
This is going to be a regional train yard with five tracks totaling almost 10,000 feet, two buildings, with one spanning 80,000 sq.ft.. (almost 2 acres in size), with the second covering 20,000 sq.ft., along with a freight car capacity for 161 cars, totaling 10,456 feet of train, neighboring homes with young children.
The surrounding communities were never advised by local, state or federal officials that this was ever a possibility. Just the opposite, the last the community knew, there was going to be an indoor compost facility on this property. That was in 2018. Community members were brought into town hall, shown a detailed PowerPoint presentation, and then marginalized, not to be spoken to again about this property.
Several local elected officials have written letters to the STB in favor of this proposal, with one even stating there is no other option nor any type of organized opposition. To start, the surrounding communities were unaware of this plan until after the new year, and second, and more importantly, we now know, we are organized and we are strongly opposed to the plan in its entirety. The above-mentioned officials failed in their duty as elected representatives to advise, educate and give community members an opportunity to be heard before writing formal letters supporting this plan. The Smithtown Planning Department has denied that any type of permit had been submitted, though the Surface Transportation Board has requested specific details about this proposed project from them, more specifically, detailed information relating to composition of structures, etc. These questions cannot be answered without prior knowledge of or collaboration with Townline Rail Terminal or its parent, CarlsonCorp.
This proposal has many questions, and more problems than solutions. This is not an industrial area in the middle of nowhere. The truth is the location of the proposed train yard is on the very edge of the industrial area, literally in the back yard of families and their homes. No reasonable person would believe that a berm, which the town’s supervisor has mentioned, would ever hide the noise, fumes, site, nor minimize the numerous health risks this yard threatens. Moreover, with its proximity to residential neighborhoods and to the deep recharge sole source aquifer, it is beyond our understanding that the Surface Transportation Board granted a waiver to Townline Rail to forego a full Environmental Statement for a scaled-down Environmental Analysis. The ground water from this industrial park has resulted in a large pollution plume north and east. By allowing CarlsonCorp to build a rail terminal on this site, on top of what is already devastated and overburdened ground, the families, whether twenty, two-hundred or two-thousand, will be affected and the ones paying the price with their health and the health of their children.
It is important for the Surface Transportation Board to also know that the surrounding communities already bear the burden of several major sources of environmental blight, including the Huntington Resource Recovery Facility (Covanta incinerator), the Northport power plant, the nearby Huntington and Smithtown landfills and their methane burners/vents, the medical waste incinerators at St. Catherine's Medical Center and the Northport VA Hospital, and the various heavy industrial uses that have been going on in this area for decades, many of which continue to operate illegally and unchecked by both the towns of Smithtown and Huntington.
We respectfully ask that the Surface Transportation Board A) revisit the OEA’s decision on revising the move from an EIS to an EA, based on prior operations of CarlsonCorp and its subsidiaries. and B) to look at viable options that others have rejected for unknown reasons and put a halt to this project before innocent families have to suffer the consequences. We are aware of the eventual closing of the Brookhaven landfill, which will happen incrementally. We are also aware that there are far better locations moving forward to tackle the issue of removing ash off Long Island, such as the Winter Bros. 228-acre site in Yaphank, which will be almost three times the size of the proposed Townline Rail Terminal. As well, the landfill in Babylon Township will be using rail to remove ash and other materials. These are viable options, yet our elected officials say otherwise.
I appreciate your attention to this project.
Keith S. Macartney
Cc: Honorable Patrick J. Fuchs
Honorable Michelle A. Schultz
Honorable Robert E. Primus,
Honorable Karen J. Hedlund
Honorable Pete Buttigieg, Secretary of Transportation
Senator Kirsten E. Gillibrand
Senator Charles E. Schumer
Governor Kathy Hochul
Rep. Nick LaLota
Steve Bellone, Suffolk County Executive
Edward R. Wehrheim, Town of Smithtown Supervisor
Leg. Rob Trotta - Suffolk County Legislature
Peter Hans, Town of Smithtown, Planning Director
James Bonner, Pres., New York & Atlantic Railway

February 3, 2023 First, great news. The Townline (Civic) Association has come back from the ashes (pun intended). Several individuals, George Husted will act as president and Gilda Axelrod will be VP. The two were officers/board members from the original Townline (TLA) are now heading up the revived organization. As well, Linda Henninger former president of the Kings Park Civic Association will share the president's position with George. FSA president Keith Macartney will serve on the board as well as acting as liaison between TA and the FSA. Also, the Town Line Association will have a new website soon, www.townlineassociation.org which will be up in the coming weeks.
On Saturday, Jan. 28 the Townline Association held an information and organizational meeting at the Fort Salonga Elementary School. Turnout was excellent, with over 100 residents attending from Fort Salonga and our surrounding communities. A good portion of discussion centered on the need to organize various tasks, from research to fundraising to letter writing. Many attendees signed up for the tasks, getting things well under way. BUT - there is much to do, and the more people covering the tasks the lighter it makes the work for each person. We are still looking for additional volunteers, so please email keithmacartney@icloud and include an ability you believe you are good at and useful.
January 26, 2023 The new year has really hit us between the eyes for the residents of Fort Salonga, Commack, East Northport and Northport, and not in a good way.
So let's start with meeting dates and times. We have the Fort Salonga elementary School scheduled for the following times:
Saturday, Jan. 28 from 12:00noon - 2:00pm.
We will also have a meeting on Monday evening,
Feb. 6 from 7:00-9:00pm.
Both meetings, we need to vacate the building at the respective times so school staff/security can clean the room and go home.
Next - There have been multiple articles written in the Smithtown News (to date, Newsday has not responded to us). I will be posting those articles as I get then scanned onto a separate page within the FSA site as not to clog up this page which is meant for updates. Once moved I will add a link on this paid point to the news article page. We will also be using that page for all other Fort Salonga news as well.
Now for some good news. The Town Line Civic Association is being resurrected from the ashes (pun intended). There will be some new faces there (including Keith Macartney, your FSA president). For those of you who sent in paid membership dues to the FSA who are not Fort Salonga residents, we are keeping the those funds separate and will send to Town Line Civic once they have their banking set up.
Your letters and phone calls have been great. As of this post we have officially collected 1,000 names on the online petition - congrats, that is phenomenal. For those who have not signed a petition, whether in person or online, please click here and you will be taken to CHANGE.ORG where you can put your name in. If you have multiple members in your household, each can sign separately. In subsequent postings here I will be adding exact names, addresses and phone numbers on who to communicate your feelings to. There has been talk of holding a rally outside Smithtown Town Hall. Once timing is firmed up it will be posted on this and the HOME pages.
The Smithtown News has been instrumental in getting information to those who subscribe. I would be remiss if I didn't say publicly - THANK YOU. Dave Ambro has been following the rail spur for some time and has been instrumental in getting the facts out to our community. If you don't already subscribe (or to those on the Huntington side of our community it would be the Northport Observer), it might be a good idea, not only for information on the rail spur but many other things that are going on.
More to come as there are multiple meetings scheduled within the next couple of weeks.
Keep tuned
Jan. 18, 2023 Proposed Rail Spur in the Smithtown Industrial Zone, just south of Pulaski Rd. More garbage will be trucked into the COVANTA waste facility, burned and then trucked to rail facility across Town Line Rd. Fort Salonga (along with Commack north & eastern East Northport) will bear the brunt of this. Additionally, to ensure profitability, materials will be brought in and sent out via this rail terminal. Potential examples: building materials, construction debris (incl. asbestos), automobiles, sand & gravel, organic waste, heating oil, etc. Basically, anything that can be transported by rail.
Fort Salonga to be dumped on (again).
There is now a proposal to build a 5-6 wide rail spur south of existing LIRR tracks, running from just west of the Sunken Meadow Pkwy. to just east of Town Line Road.
Since 2019 the Town of Smithtown had held a series of public meetings in anticipation of the roll out the Town’s proposed Townwide Comprehensive Plan (aka the Master Plan). The last Master Plan was completed over 50 years ago, prior to construction of major items like the Smith-haven Mall. As such, the Town desires to bring their community-planning standards up to date. Unfortunately, this Draft plan has brought an unwanted spotlight to Fort Salonga.
For the concern of residents of Fort Salonga and the surrounding areas, part of the Master Plan included a recommendation to change the zoning classification from light to heavy industrial on the property on Old Northport Road and Townline Road that is known as the Carlson property, AKA “Power Crush.”
Why would the Town be interested in changing the zone of this property to heavy industrial? All fingers point to the Town, County, State and Feds bowing to pressure from the Carlson property’s ownership, as it is their desire to convert their acreage into an Organic Waste Processing Facility. Further, to support this potentially noxious venture, the Carlson ownership has created a new entity, Townline Rail Terminal, LLC, and filed permits with the federal government for the construction of a Railroad Spur that would among other reasons feed organic waste product to his property.
For those of you who did not attend any of the public meetings, it must come as no surprise that there was significant public outcry in opposition to this change. We (the residents of Fort Salonga and Commack) were assured that nothing would change before the Town presented a modified master plan. To date this has not happened. Despite the lack of a Final Master Plan, Townline Rail Terminal, LLC has submitted and is trying to fast-track an application to build this rail spur, along with several other buildings to support various business operations, including the Organic Waste facility, one of which totals 80,000 sq.ft.
In addition to the Carlson company’s desire to feed an Organic Waste Plant, a review of it’s filing with the Federal Government requesting the rail spur indicates that the spur will also support the transfer of construction and demolition materials as well as ash from the COVANTA incinerator (burnt garbage, which could potentially contain hazardous materials).
One simple question that all residents should ask of their local officials.. if organic waste is processed and solid waste including building materials are burnt at Covanta, what is and will be in the air that we and our children will be breathing following their 24/7 incineration cycle ?
For a rail service to be profitable it needs to not only haul away stuff but it also needs to bring stuff in. We believe in this case (to start) a variety of materials will be transported in, including building material, chemically treated wood, ready mix (concrete), asphalt and petroleum products. In addition, if an Organic Waste Processing facility is permitted, our area would serve as the new home for countless tonnage of organic waste from hospitals, hotels, restaurants and other locations. This could include as an example - horse manure, grass and leaf refuse and other foul-smelling materials, not to mention attracting rats and other rodents.
Why is this being fast-tracked? Townline Rail Terminal knows that there would be significant public outcry and they seem to be working to circumvent public action by having the required permits in place before we can organize an opposition form with the citizens of Fort Salonga (and our neighboring towns).
As this is a fluid topic, please come back to this page on a regular basis in order to keep informed. We will try to post material as we get it.

UPDATE - AUGUST 2022 As reported in the Smithtown News, a rail spur has been approved by the federal government.
Applicant: Townline Rail Terminal, LLC, owned by Toby Carlson
Purpose (reported): Haul away ash from the COVANTA Waste Management facility on Town Line Rd.
Alternate purpose (opinion): Precursor for Organic Waste Processing Facility (proposed 2018)
Location: West of Sunken Meadow Pkwy. to Town Line Rd. (terminating east of Town Line Rd.)
Concerns voiced by the FSA Board:
Ash to be transported from COVANTA to rail yard. Mode of transfer still not known.
Hours of operation
Noise levels affecting residents
Traffic congestion on Town Line Rd.
Issues: Under - low water table and prone to flooding
Over - how to contain without harming ecology
wind carrying ash, depending on wind direction and strength)
ash falling from conveyor to roadway below
This is a multi-faceted issue:
Re-zoning of a portion of the Industrial Zone from light to heavy indistry
Could lead to entire industrial zone rezoning in the future
Current conditions are harming Fort Salonga residents
Burning of garbage at COVANTA Waste management
Air and water pollution
Organic Waste Processing Facility (OWPF)
Potential air, water and noise pollution
LIRR rail spur
Proposed to take "final product" from
COVANTA solid waste facility (ash from burning refuse)
Organic waste from OWPF
02/09/21 Email exchange w/Smithtown Planning Dept. re: rail spur
Allyson, good evening,
First, thank you for taking time out of your busy life to attend and be a major contributor to the Kings Park ZOOM call regarding the proposed master plan.
As mentioned, the residents of Fort Salonga have considerable concerns in respect to the Industrial Zone to the north end of Town Line Road and Old Northport Road.
I am going to break down each area of concern, in order that I do not intermingle each area.
Issues with installing a rail spur.
By doing so, there would be an increase of truck traffic bringing in both organic waste and garbage from all over Long Island
Being that the LIRR does not operate freight anymore, a separate company would have to be hired to operate on LIRR/MTA tracks
In hiring an outside rail contractor, typically they would only be able to access COVANTA et al during off hours
This would mean operations typically between 11pm and 5 am (assumption on times)
If during off hours (5am-11pm), the traffic tie-up on Townline Rd. coming from Pulaski Road would be a significant traffic hazard as trains on rail spurs operate at a significantly reduced speed.
The noise that would be attributed to rail diesel engines, especially in colder months when they need to keep them running
Odors and ash produced by locomotive engines next to a residential community
The current geographic elevations are not favorable to building a rail spur
COVANTA, other than rail spur
It would need to be cost efficient. This would have to include bringing in significant increase of garbage being transported in, whether truck or rail.
As other towns investigate, if they turn down a plan for their community the COVANTA could potentially be bringing in all their waste.
If you have 2 or more towns that reject a plan, it would be even more disastrous for the Fort Salonga and surrounding communities
Our understanding is that Brookhaven had looked at doing the same and determined that it would not be cost efficient for their township.
Instead, they are shutting down accepting waste ash in the near future.
The current odors are unacceptable. By increasing operations at COVANTA, and the possibility of the OWPF, Fort Salonga would be overwhelmed by odors 24/7
Organic Waste Processing Facility
Odors, odors, odors
Would significantly add to the existing air pollutants COVANTA and other business operating in the area.
As with other businesses operating (many illegally) in the area, wold dit on top of long Islands only source of drinking water.
As experienced with the current property owners, promises made are rarely kept.
Result - increased pollution, including the existing plume emanating from that area, causing severe health issues to Fort Salonga residents
Cancer, breathing difficulties, eye irritation et al.
We ask that you please listen to not only what Fort Salonga has said, but the other surrounding communities as well.
What Smithtown (and Huntington) has allowed to happen can not be added to. Instead, this industrial area has been allowed to poison our community.
PLEASE, do not allow what is already bad to get worse and worse.
Dear Mr. Macartney:
Thank you very much for your email and thank you for your participation in the Commack and Kings Park community outreach meetings. With regard to the industrial zoning recommendation along Townline Road/Old Northport Road, the Planning Department intends to propose an addendum to the draft to modify this recommendation. The public hearing will be scheduled after the addendum is presented. Both the acceptance of any addendum and the scheduling of a public hearing will be done by Town Board resolution at a Town Board meeting. Also, we will be posting this information on the Town’s Comprehensive Plan page.
With respect to the rail spur, the Comprehensive Plan does not address or make any specific recommendations for a rail spur. Construction of a rail spur would require site plan approval and an environmental review of its own. I’ve copied David Barnes, the Town’s Director of the Town’s Department of Environment and Waterways (DEW), on this email. DEW oversees the SEQRA (State Environmental Quality Review Act) process as well as solid waste management for the Town, and can provide much better information than I can with respect to the waste management issues addressed on the calls and in your email.
Thank you again for your comments. Please feel free to reach out at any point.
Allyson Murray, Principal Planner
Town of Smithtown Planning Department
99 West Main Street
Smithtown, NY 11787
Phone: (631) 360-7540
9/17/18 Letter to Smithtown planning from Town Line Civic Assn.
Planning Department
Smithtown NY 11787
Peter Hans, Director
Re: Proposed Indoor Organic Waste Processing Facility (OWPF) amendments and ordinances
Dear Peter,
The thousands of family members included in the King Park Civic Association, Fort Salonga Association, and Townline Association, will have great cause for concern regarding regulations permitting an OWPF in the area. Having read the Draft Summary Report of Findings and materials posted by the Planning department, http://www.smithtownny.gov/index.aspx?NID=551, serious concerns have become apparent:
1-Sample permits from Connecticut, Minnesota, California, Massachusetts, Rhode Island, Georgia are used as guides and templates for proposed Smithtown regulations. NONE of those are pertinent because Smithtown as well as Long Island get its sole potable water from the ground. The Suffolk County Health Department Sanitary Code has very strict and explicit specifications for facilities producing hazardous discharges that threaten the ground water. Article 7 for example prohibits these over certain deep recharge zones. The Draft report mentions that the ONLY area considered for the OWPF is on Old Northport Road near the Sagtikos Parkway. This location falls in the restricted Deep Recharge Zone and would therefore strike the facility from operation. Mentioned in the report are hazardous materials generated by OWPFs: heavy metals, pathogens, bacteria, “biogeochemicals”, nitrates, fungal spores, “other toxins”, fecal coliform, phenols, phosphorus, pH modifiers, together endanger the sole-source aquifer.
1- The Georgia regulation template is invalid: Georgia and similar areas have
industrial pig, poultry and animal farms that are infamous for toxic runoff
befouling streams, water supplies and adjoining land. Regulations
originating from these regions are disingenuous.
2-Biogas (methane) is generated. This is flammable and explosive.
In fact a booth at the Smithtown landfill exploded years ago, killing
a worker, due to methane.
3- The report mentions most facilities are not fully enclosed. This
configuration will raise noise and odors.
3-96% of the feedstock is food scraps. This is a massive attraction for
vermin, insects, rats, mice, seagulls. In fact the report states that
Birds (seagulls) are 350 times more prevalent at these facilities. Area
Residences will be adversely impacted.
4-Tons of decaying organic matter will generate noxious odors.
5-Trucks will be pulling in and out at all hours.
6-Heavy machines like loaders, conveyors, macerators, blowers, pumps,
chippers, shredders, grinders, pulping machines will be operating creating noise, vibration and fumes which will impact area residents.
7- Unexpected events like fires, explosions, machine breakdowns, spills,
runoff of toxic fluids, and “biological upsets” will impact area residents.
8-Vector paths for birds, insects, rodents, biological pathogens are
9-Offsite odors, dust, fungal spores, traffic impact area homes.
10- Onsite tanks handling chemicals and toxic waste endanger the
11- Holding ponds, if any, endanger the groundwater.
12- Manure is a source of odors and pathogens impacting the area homes.
13- The report states compost piles must cure for several weeks and be turned several times. This increases the potential for toxic runoff, and negative impacts on area homes like odors, noise, vibrations, pests.
14- Regional homes will be impacted by aerosol wind driven dust with spores, pathogens, and other toxins.
15- Health effects are reduced lung function, asthma, allergies, eye irritation, headaches, fatigue, increased illness.
16- Transport of compost feed and product can spread contaminants along the routes.
17- Decomposition of the fatty acids and manure causes odors like irritation, vinegar, rotten eggs, rancid-pungent, rotten cabbage, putrescence.
18- Odors vary with weather conditions; low wind and inversions increase odor problems.
19- The most common leachate is nitrates followed by metals, pathogens, phenols fecal coliform, phosphorous, pH modifiers. These endanger our sole-source aquifer.
20- OWPF have minimal job creation.
21- The proposed location, Old Northport Road near the Sunken Meadow Parkway, is near other regional facilities: a major incinerator, an asphalt factory, cement products facilities, landfills and other industries. The area is surrounded by homes, schools, playgrounds, health care and senior facilities. Adding an OWPF is intolerable considering the aforementioned environmental hazards and adverse impact on resident taxpayers. The area is already highly burdened and cannot accept this type of land use.
Mark Seratoff
Environment Chairman
Townline Association.