Dear Neighbors,
The Surface Transportation Board’s (Board) Office of Environmental Analysis has issued a Draft Environmental Assessment (Draft EA) for the proposed construction and operation of a new rail line by Townline Rail Terminal, LLC.
The Draft EA analyzes the potential environmental and historic impacts of approximately 5,000 feet of new rail line that would connect to the Long Island Railroad’s Port Jefferson Line. Interested parties are invited to review and submit comments on all aspects of the Draft EA.
Comments Are Due By February 5, 2024
The link for the Draft EA for Townline Rail Terminal, LLC – Proposed Construction and Operation of a Line of Railroad in the Hamlet of Kings Park, Town of Smithtown is below.
How To Comment On Draft EA
OEA invites public comment on all aspects of the Draft EA. OEA is providing a 30-day comment period, which will begin on January 5, 2024, and end on February 5, 2024. During the comment period, members of the public may mail written comments or submit electronic comments through the environmental comment form on the Board’s website at:
What Happens After Comment Period
Following the close of the comment period on the Draft EA, OEA will prepare a Final EA. The Final EA will address the comments received on the Draft EA, present OEA’s final conclusions regarding the potential environmental and historic impacts of the proposed rail line, and set forth OEA’s final recommendations to the Board, including final recommended environmental mitigation measures. After the Final EA is issued, the Board will issue its final decision on whether to authorize the proposed rail line.
In making its final decision, the Board will consider the entire record, including the information presented on the transportation merits, the Draft EA, Final EA, and all public and agency comments received. If the Board decides to authorize the proposed rail line, the Board may impose conditions on Townline Rail as part of that decision, including environmental mitigation conditions.
Townline Association will be submitting a response. If you have any questions, please feel free to contact us at townlinecivicassociation@gmail.com. It is important the community submits comments.
Thank you,
Townline Association Board
“Fight the Freight Yard”